I pored toga sto sam ih skratila, posjeta fitnesu je uvijek izazov za nokte. Svaki trening koji prezivim s citavim noktima slavim :D . Prosli trening nisam bash skroz prezivjela .
When you are an owner of naturally long nails, sometimes it is very difficult to do some of the daily activities we often do. I like my nails very long and I am used to doing everything I usually do, with those long nails. I actually think that even back in the primary school I have had a long nails ( that wasn't forbidden then ) . Now it actually difficult for me to do something without long nails, it feels like I do not have fingers. And when it comes to chatting OMG I can not do it at all with short nails :D . I mean I can, but I end up sending sth that I didn't want to write :) . Few days ago I trimmed my nails because I have been spending a lot of time nowadays writing so it is not very easy to hold a pen a to make notes quickly. My fingers are a bit deformed from holding a pen and writing :(.
So even though I have trimmed my nails i didn't survived a day at the fitnessstudio without breaking one of them. It is always a challenge actually to finish a training without breaking any of them.

Kao sto se I vidi, jedan nokat sam ruzno zakacila, ne bas skroz, sto se znalo desiti ali svejedno je lose. Nisam htjela da sve nokte skroz kratim zbog tog jednog pa sam se odlucila za trik, koji cesto primjenjujem, s obzirom da , kada su duzi, jos ih lakse unistim tegovima.
Ono sto vam je potrebno je :
As you can see on the photos above i didn't actually broke it but it was damaged. I didn't want to cut all of them so i decided for a little trick which i use very often. These are the things that you will need :
Few different files for nails ( rough, smooth ) , scissors, glue , tea bag and a stick.
Nekoliko turpija ( blaza, grublja I jedna koja ima I strane za poliranje ) , makaze, ljepilo ( sekundarno ) , vrecica od caja I nesto cime cete lakse zalijepiti ( stapic, cackalica itd ) .
Kao sto mozete vidjeti na slikama, citavu kesicu bilo kojeg caja presijecete, istresete sadrzaj, zatim odvojite I presijecete da bude samo jedan sloj papira. Kasnije odsijecete malu kockicu koju cete zalijepiti na prethodno ociscen slomljeni nokat I ispoliran.
So you take the tea bag, cut it in half, empty it and cut the small piece which you will be later putting on your broken nail. Your broken nail should be clean and smooth before you glue it on.
So you take the tea bag, cut it in half, empty it and cut the small piece which you will be later putting on your broken nail. Your broken nail should be clean and smooth before you glue it on.
Kada odrezete kvadratic, na ociscen nokat nanesete malo ljepila, zatim zalijepite komadic kesice caja, a onda preko opet malo ljepila. pricvrstite upravo cackalicom ili stapicem, da ne bi zalijepili I prste. Sacekate da se osusi a zatim ne tako grubom turpijom malo isturpijate I ispolirate da se poravna sa vasim noktom. Pazit naravno da ne turpijate ostatak povrsine nokta na kojem nema kesice caja.
Poslije toga nanesete zeljeni lak za nokte I essence top coat, jer sta su nokti bez odlicnog sjaja :)
When you cut the small piece of the tea bag you should first on your clean broken nail put some glue and than put that piece on the place where your nail is broken. Then put some glue on top of it too and it is recommended to use a tooth stick or some other stick so you don't glue your fingers to it. Wait until it is completely dry and than polish it with a smooth nail file. After that apply a nail polish and a top coat ( essence ) because your nails need to shine :)
When you cut the small piece of the tea bag you should first on your clean broken nail put some glue and than put that piece on the place where your nail is broken. Then put some glue on top of it too and it is recommended to use a tooth stick or some other stick so you don't glue your fingers to it. Wait until it is completely dry and than polish it with a smooth nail file. After that apply a nail polish and a top coat ( essence ) because your nails need to shine :)

Uzivajte u dugim I njegovanim noktima bez straha :)
At the end you can enjoy long beautiful nails without fear of breaking :)
Samo mi kazi koliko ovaj proces traje? Jer sam ja lijena :D
ReplyDeleteKad god mi nokat pukne, place mi se, ali ih sve skratim, i onda koristim Eveline 8u1 da ne bi opet pucali, i fakat pomaze :D
hahaha kada imas prosjek iznad 9 neko drugi ti to radi :)
DeleteNe traje dugo, par minutica I kao nov. A to CUDO evelinovo koristim I ja nekad ali ne zelim da kratim nokte nikad vise zbog jednog. I tacno mi se desi da pukne onda kada ih bash trebam ( a to je uvijek hahahah ) :) :*
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