Monday, April 25, 2016

Ko posjeduje koga u industriji ljepote ? / Who owns what in the Beauty Industry ?

So, today I have a topic that is really intriguing and which I have just recently heard about. I haven't been really thinking about all those big corporation in the beauty industry that are so famous. They were, for me , just corporations that exist on their own, without any connections to any other names or brands. But, actually, it isn't really like this in real world.
Recently, I have been discovering more and more dupe products which are exactly the same as the high-end products or almost the same ( including same ingredients ) . That's why I have been researching these days and I was surprised by what I have discovered. As much as I wish that this discovery does not affect my choice in choosing the right products, I really think that this is sth that you can not just leave behind and not to think about it. So I will really take this into consideration during my shopping and I will think about whether I want to pay sth a lot more just because it has a label or to buy almost the same product for just the  third part of the amount which you need to spend for the labeled one.
So, just like everything else in this world, the beauty industry follows the exact same pattern - small companies are very often changing their owners and they end up under the wing of the big , famous companies.
So did you know that Loreal owns Lancôme, La Roche Posay , Maybelline etc ?
Estee Lauder owns MAC, Bobbi Brown, Clinique etc.
It is completely understandable that the big companies also want to save money so sometimes they use exactly the same products for high-end and low-end products. As the final touch they just add some different scents, colours, texture...different packaging and , OFF COURSE , different price.
Please, do not get me wrong, they use , for sure, ingredients which are better in quality for high-end products ( ex. better pigmentation etc ) , but in the end these products are supposed to do the same thing and are produced by the same company. That is why we have so many good dupes.
And if there is possibility to save some money sometimes, then why not :)
But I think that it is sth that makes us human, like a curse or sth so we are willing to pay more money just to feed our ego. According to that and to our opinion that 50 € foundation is better than any 10 € foundation just because it is more expensive or has the famous name - the companies are creating the prices. So its just all in our heads - our humanity.

Its all psychological.

So, if you want to save some money, think about this when you go shopping.
Here below is the list of the big companies and the small companies they own.
Surprise, surprise :)

                Eh danas malo intrigantnija tema o kojoj sam, tek nedavno, malo vise saznala. Nikada nisam isla toliko u dubinu da razmisljam o "tajkunima" ili "silama" u industiji ljepote ( misim na pojedine marke) . Medjutim  nedavno sam primjetila da postoji sve vise jeftnijih proizvoda koji su vjerne kopije nekih skupih proizvoda. Pored toga sto npr isto isgledaju nakon nanosenja, desi se da imaju cak I isti sastav. Zbog toga sam malo istrazivala I ni sama nisam mogla vjerovati sta sam sve nasla :) . Koliko god zeljela da ovo na mene ne ostavi neki jak utisak, mislim da cu ipak, prilikom narednih kupovina, uzeti u obzir sve ovo I razmisliti da li za neki proizvod izdvojiti vecu sumu novca ili za "isti" takav proizvod , naravno drugog naziva, dati mozda samo trecinu od cijene prvobitnog.

      Eh kao  sve ostalo, industrija ljepote funkcionise na takav nacin da pojedine manje kompanije veoma brzo mijenjaju vlasnike I na kraju zavrse u rukama neke vece, poznate kompanije .
Da li ste znali da npr Loreal posjeduje Lancôme, La Roche Posay, Maybelline ... ?
Estee Lauder tako isto posjeduje MAC, Bobbi Brown, Clinique itd...

Tako je , isto , potpuno normalno da I velike kompanije, kao I male, zele ustediti nekada pare pa koriste iste proizvode za skupe ali I za jeftine produkte. Na kraju dodaju samo razlicite mirise, teksturu, boju I na kraju ih upakuju u razlicite ambalaze, sa razlicitim nazivom I NARAVNO cijenom .
Zbog toga nekada imamo savrsene kopije.

Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, naravno da u skuplje proizvode nekada stavljaju mnogo kvalitetnije sastojke ( npr sjene vise pigmentirane ili slicne stvari ) , ali na kraju krajeva ako im je zadaca ista, ne vidim zasto ne bi ustedili NEKADA novac, ako je to moguce. Medjutim, u nama ljudima je to nesto sto je kao "prokletstvo" ili hranjenje ega, te mi svojom spremnoscu da placamo takve proizvode za koje smatramo da zbog imena moraju jednostavno skuplji biti - sto nam ne garantuje 100 % kvalitet - cinimo kompanijama uslugu I podrzavamo njihove cijene. Znaci cijena proizilazi iz cinjenice da I sami ocekujemo da platimo vise za neki poznatiji, " kvalitetniji" , luksuzniji brend. Svi vjerovatno vjerujemo da ce nam neki puder od 60 km I skuplji bolje izgledati na licu, bolje prekriti nedostatke, uciniti kozu savrsenijom nego neki od 5 do 10 km. Sve je to psiholoska igra.

Tako , ako zelite, kada slj put krenete kupiti neki skup proizvod, uporedite sastojke sa nekim njihovim dr proizvodom iz "sestrinske kompanije ".

Ovdje cu vam napisati ( ono sto sam nasla ) listu kompanija I onoga sto posjeduju :

  • L`OREAL :
EM Michelle Phan
Giorgio Armani
Helena Rubinstein
L’Oréal Paris
L’Oréal Professionnel
La Roche-Posay
Maybelline New York
Ralph Lauren
Shu Uemura
The Body Shop
Urban Decay
Vichy Laboratoires
Victor & Rolf
Yves Saint Laurent Beaute


Bobbi Brown
Donna Karan
Estee Lauder
Good Skin Labs
Michael Kors
Rodin Olio Lusso
Smashbox Cosmetics
Tom Ford Beauty
Tommy Hilfiger
Tory Burch

Bare Minerals
Majolica Majorca
  • REVLON :
Sinful Colors
Ultima 2

Boss Black & Orange Fragrance + Skincare
Dolce & Gabbana
Gucci Fragrances
Head and Shoulders
Lacoste Fragrances
Max Factor

  • LVMH

Make up for ever


  1. Ovo je odlican post! Definitivno nisam znala nista o ovome :D Ubuduce cu obratiti paznju :D Hvala :D

    1. Hvala Majduska moja ;) eto mozda nam ubuduce ustedim koji dinar ovim postom :D kupimo dva umjesto jednog proizvoda :D
