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Monday, April 25, 2016

Ko posjeduje koga u industriji ljepote ? / Who owns what in the Beauty Industry ?

So, today I have a topic that is really intriguing and which I have just recently heard about. I haven't been really thinking about all those big corporation in the beauty industry that are so famous. They were, for me , just corporations that exist on their own, without any connections to any other names or brands. But, actually, it isn't really like this in real world.
Recently, I have been discovering more and more dupe products which are exactly the same as the high-end products or almost the same ( including same ingredients ) . That's why I have been researching these days and I was surprised by what I have discovered. As much as I wish that this discovery does not affect my choice in choosing the right products, I really think that this is sth that you can not just leave behind and not to think about it. So I will really take this into consideration during my shopping and I will think about whether I want to pay sth a lot more just because it has a label or to buy almost the same product for just the  third part of the amount which you need to spend for the labeled one.
So, just like everything else in this world, the beauty industry follows the exact same pattern - small companies are very often changing their owners and they end up under the wing of the big , famous companies.
So did you know that Loreal owns Lancôme, La Roche Posay , Maybelline etc ?
Estee Lauder owns MAC, Bobbi Brown, Clinique etc.
It is completely understandable that the big companies also want to save money so sometimes they use exactly the same products for high-end and low-end products. As the final touch they just add some different scents, colours, texture...different packaging and , OFF COURSE , different price.
Please, do not get me wrong, they use , for sure, ingredients which are better in quality for high-end products ( ex. better pigmentation etc ) , but in the end these products are supposed to do the same thing and are produced by the same company. That is why we have so many good dupes.
And if there is possibility to save some money sometimes, then why not :)
But I think that it is sth that makes us human, like a curse or sth so we are willing to pay more money just to feed our ego. According to that and to our opinion that 50 € foundation is better than any 10 € foundation just because it is more expensive or has the famous name - the companies are creating the prices. So its just all in our heads - our humanity.

Its all psychological.

So, if you want to save some money, think about this when you go shopping.
Here below is the list of the big companies and the small companies they own.
Surprise, surprise :)

                Eh danas malo intrigantnija tema o kojoj sam, tek nedavno, malo vise saznala. Nikada nisam isla toliko u dubinu da razmisljam o "tajkunima" ili "silama" u industiji ljepote ( misim na pojedine marke) . Medjutim  nedavno sam primjetila da postoji sve vise jeftnijih proizvoda koji su vjerne kopije nekih skupih proizvoda. Pored toga sto npr isto isgledaju nakon nanosenja, desi se da imaju cak I isti sastav. Zbog toga sam malo istrazivala I ni sama nisam mogla vjerovati sta sam sve nasla :) . Koliko god zeljela da ovo na mene ne ostavi neki jak utisak, mislim da cu ipak, prilikom narednih kupovina, uzeti u obzir sve ovo I razmisliti da li za neki proizvod izdvojiti vecu sumu novca ili za "isti" takav proizvod , naravno drugog naziva, dati mozda samo trecinu od cijene prvobitnog.

      Eh kao  sve ostalo, industrija ljepote funkcionise na takav nacin da pojedine manje kompanije veoma brzo mijenjaju vlasnike I na kraju zavrse u rukama neke vece, poznate kompanije .
Da li ste znali da npr Loreal posjeduje Lancôme, La Roche Posay, Maybelline ... ?
Estee Lauder tako isto posjeduje MAC, Bobbi Brown, Clinique itd...

Tako je , isto , potpuno normalno da I velike kompanije, kao I male, zele ustediti nekada pare pa koriste iste proizvode za skupe ali I za jeftine produkte. Na kraju dodaju samo razlicite mirise, teksturu, boju I na kraju ih upakuju u razlicite ambalaze, sa razlicitim nazivom I NARAVNO cijenom .
Zbog toga nekada imamo savrsene kopije.

Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, naravno da u skuplje proizvode nekada stavljaju mnogo kvalitetnije sastojke ( npr sjene vise pigmentirane ili slicne stvari ) , ali na kraju krajeva ako im je zadaca ista, ne vidim zasto ne bi ustedili NEKADA novac, ako je to moguce. Medjutim, u nama ljudima je to nesto sto je kao "prokletstvo" ili hranjenje ega, te mi svojom spremnoscu da placamo takve proizvode za koje smatramo da zbog imena moraju jednostavno skuplji biti - sto nam ne garantuje 100 % kvalitet - cinimo kompanijama uslugu I podrzavamo njihove cijene. Znaci cijena proizilazi iz cinjenice da I sami ocekujemo da platimo vise za neki poznatiji, " kvalitetniji" , luksuzniji brend. Svi vjerovatno vjerujemo da ce nam neki puder od 60 km I skuplji bolje izgledati na licu, bolje prekriti nedostatke, uciniti kozu savrsenijom nego neki od 5 do 10 km. Sve je to psiholoska igra.

Tako , ako zelite, kada slj put krenete kupiti neki skup proizvod, uporedite sastojke sa nekim njihovim dr proizvodom iz "sestrinske kompanije ".

Ovdje cu vam napisati ( ono sto sam nasla ) listu kompanija I onoga sto posjeduju :

  • L`OREAL :
EM Michelle Phan
Giorgio Armani
Helena Rubinstein
L’Oréal Paris
L’Oréal Professionnel
La Roche-Posay
Maybelline New York
Ralph Lauren
Shu Uemura
The Body Shop
Urban Decay
Vichy Laboratoires
Victor & Rolf
Yves Saint Laurent Beaute


Bobbi Brown
Donna Karan
Estee Lauder
Good Skin Labs
Michael Kors
Rodin Olio Lusso
Smashbox Cosmetics
Tom Ford Beauty
Tommy Hilfiger
Tory Burch

Bare Minerals
Majolica Majorca
  • REVLON :
Sinful Colors
Ultima 2

Boss Black & Orange Fragrance + Skincare
Dolce & Gabbana
Gucci Fragrances
Head and Shoulders
Lacoste Fragrances
Max Factor

  • LVMH

Make up for ever

Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Concealers

My best friend at the moment, from the moment  I  open my eyes ( these days its 6:30 ), is concealer.I am really not that brave to go out with enormous puffiness under my eyes. Concealer simply hide the fact that you have not really had 8h sleep last night ( or not even 6), until 2 pm when you can not stop yawning - in that case drink double espresso :) .
So my winning combination for early morning is big cup of black Turkish - Bosnian coffee and a concealer .

These days I have been using four concealers :
  • Maybelline Jade - Instant Anti-Age Effect - 03 Fair
  • Maybelline Fit Me - Concealer - 15
  • NYX HD Concealer - CW 02
  • Loreal Indefectible Sculpt - Contouring Palette - 01 Light ( highlighting part, which isn't really a highlighter, you can read more at the post about ( Loreal Indefectible Sculpt Palette )
At pictures below you can see all four of them and you can also notice that they are all different in shades but I find them good anyway for my  skin tone.

Maybelline Jade Instant Anti Age Effect

You can find this concealer at the drugstore in two shades : Ivory 01 and Sand 03. According to their names you would probably say that the first one is for cold skin tone and the second one is for warm skin tone, but I have cold skin tone but I am using the shade Sand 03. I am either  that bad at choosing the right shade or their names are not really suitable for their shades.
So here is what this concealer is promising and doing in the reality :
  • erase dark circles, puffiness and fine lines instantly - so I am completely satisfied with all of the above
  • easy applying and blending with micro applicator - so I am not really using this applicator to blend it, it looks really more natural when I blend it with a beauty blender ( real techniques )
  • active formula with Haloxyl reduces the look of puffiness
  • you can but you do not have to set it with a powder, it doesn't get into the fine lines and it doesn't get cakey during the day. you can use it for any other parts of the face which you want to highlight . At the moment the only negative thing is that it is available only in two shades ( in Europe )
  • price 9,90 €

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer

There are 4 shades available at the drugstore 10 Light, 15 Fair , 20 Sand and 25 Medium what isn't so bad but there are more shades available in the US, so perhaps they will be available here soon. It is supposed to make the skin look fresh, breathable and natural  but I can say that it is a bit heavier on the skin compering it to the previous one ( Maybelline Jade Anti Age Concealer ) .

  • this concealer is oil free
  • it reduces under eye puffiness - that I can confirm
  • it comes with little applicator which makes the applying easier and they suggest that you use your fingers to blend it- I apply it with applicator then blend it a bit with fingers and then with a beauty blender so the skin looks really smooth
  • BUT this concealer you simply have to set with a powder because it quickly gets into all fine lines that you were and weren't aware of :) and it becomes cakey after a while so please set it :)
  • price 6,99 €

NYX HD Photogenic Concealer Wand

This concealer is a bit different because it is also available in other shades like green ( to reduce the appearance of redness ) , lavender ( for sallow skin ) , yellow ( for under-eye darkness ) but there are also normal shades available. For the best effect you are supposed to combine these shades but you can also use only one shade - i use only one and it works perfectly for me.

  • it covers under eye circles and puffiness and it does it pretty well
  • its texture is very light and it creates medium to heavy coverage - but you do not feel the heaviness on your skin
  • it doesn't get into your fine lines and it doesn't get cakey or obvious
  • HD Photogenic is supposed to mean that it behaves very good during recording or taking a photos which I didn't test but anyway I am very pleased with the look of my skin even at the end of the day
  • price 6,99 €
Loreal Indefectible Sculpt Contouring Palette -

You could already read a post about this palette and a review at my blog - link Loreal Indefectible Sculpt. So I usually use that light part of the palette as a concealer because even though it has a creamy texture at the beginning, after applying it on your skin it becomes powdery and its very light and smooth.

So in this post you could read about my experiences with the four drugstore concealers which are very popular among the bloggers and vloggers.
Enjoy the spring without under-eye puffiness  and dark circles. Stay beautiful and happy :*

  Trenutno moj najbolji prijatelj, od momenta kada se probudim ( sto je relativno rano 6:30 ) , je concealer. Ne vjerujem da bih se usudila izaci tako nenaspavana, sa podocnjacima do poda, bez njega. Jednostavno sakrije cinjenicu da niste spavali ni 6, a kamo li 8 h prethodnu noc sve do momenta kada nekad oko 13h pocnete zijevati :D to je vec nesto drugo. 
Velika solja crne kafe I concealer su mi top jutarnja kombinacija.

Trenutno koristim cetiri concealera :
  • Maybelline Jade - Instant Anti-Age Effekt - 03 Fair nijansa
  • Maybelline Fit Me - Concealer - 15 nijansa
  • NYX HD Concealer - CW 02 nijansa
  • Loreal Indefectible Sculpt - Contouring Palette - 01 Light ( dio za highlight, koji zapravo nije kao highlighter sto mozete procitati u postu Loreal Indefectible Sculpt Palette )

Na slikama mozete vidjeti da su sve cetiri razlicite nijanse ( redoslijed je isti na prvoj I na drugoj slici ) . Iako su razlicite nijanse, meni sve odgovaraju .

Maybelline Jade - Instant Anti-Age Effekt

U prodaji se moze naci u dvije nijanse Ivori 01 I Sand 03. Prema nazivima reklo bi se da Prva nijansa odgovara hladnom podtonu a druga toplom. Za sebe bih prije rekla da sam hladni podton ali eto odgovara mi I ova druga nijansa.

Eh sta sve obecava I sta sve ispunjava :
  • prekrivanje nateknutih i tamnih podocnjaka kao i sitnih bora  - moze se reci da je ovu zadacu odradio korektno i da sam zadovoljna
  • lahko nanosenje aplikatorom koji se nalazi na vrhu - iskreno ja ga tako nanesem ali mnogo ljepse izgleda kada ga izblendam beauty blenderom nego kada koristim taj isti aplikator u obliku spuzvice za blendanje
  • goji bobice i Haloxyl bi trebali da budu dobitna kombinacija kod smanjenja oteknutih podocnjaka
  • moze a i ne mora se setovati, ne uvlaci se toliko u bore i linije, vrlo je dugotrajan, moze se koristiti i za ostale dijelove na licu koje zelite posvijetliti. Trenutno mu je mana sto je u prodaji samo u 2 nijanse ali sam vidjela da u USA vec ima veci izbor nijansi tako da :) pun pogodak.
  • Cijena 9,90 €

Maybelline Fit Me - Concealer

U prodaji trenutno u cetiri nijanse 10 Light, 15 Fair , 20 Sand , 25 Medium sto je prilicno dovoljno mada i u ovom slucaju, u USA ima vise nijansi, tako da ce vjerovatno nakon nekog vremena i ovdje biti u prodaji.

  • ovaj concealer je bez ulja, sto je dobro, pogotovo za osobe sa masnom kozom iako dio ispod ociju nije najmasniji dio na licu ali svejedno nisam neko ko zeli nesto masno na tako osjetljivom dijelu lica
  • prekrije podocnjake i smanji natecenost istih - time sam zadovoljna
  • mali aplikator na vrhu omogucava lakse nanosenje, preporucuju da se blenda prstima ali ja naravno blendam kao i prethodni, beauty blenderom
  • ovaj se, za razliku od prethodnog, MORA setovati jer brzo postane "kejki" i uvuce se u sve moguce i nemoguce linije i bore koje imate pa i nemate :D takav dojam ostavlja ako ga ne setujete
  • cijena 6.99 €

NYX HD Concealer

Ovaj je malo specificniji jer ga mozete naci i u drugim nijansama kao sto je zuta ( za prekrivanje tamnih podocnjaka ) , zelena ( za prekrivanje crvenila ) ali i najobicnije nijanse. Za najboji efekat trebalo bi kombinovati ako imate sve te simptome a moze se koristiti i samo jedna nijansa.
  • prekriva natecene i tamne podocnjake veoma dobro
  • ima vrlo laganu teksturu i dobru prekrivnu moc - srednja do potpuna
  • takodjer ima mali aplikator koji olaksava nanosenje a zatim ga ja blendam blenderom
  • ne uvlaci se u fine linije i pore i ne postaje " Cakey "
  • HD bi trebalo da znaci da je vrlo dobar prilikom snimanja i slikanja sto jos nisam provjerila ali sam svejedno zadovoljna kako izgleda na kozi i na kraju dana
  • cijena 6,99 €

Loreal Indefectible Sculpt Contouring Palette -
O njoj sam vec napisala recenziju tako da ako vas zanima mozete procitati na linku Loreal Indefectible Sculpt. Uglavnom, rado koristim i taj svijetli dio palate kao concealer jer i pored toga sto je kremast, kako sam vec napisala, nakon par minuta poprima oblik pudera i vrlo je lagan na licu.

Eto drage moje cetiri razlicita drogerijska concealera po pristupacnim cijenama, koji jako dobro obavljaju svoju funkciju i jako su popularni medju blogericama i youtuberkama :) - kakve sve rijeci necemo upotrijebiti, mislim da se ljudi kojima je eng. maternji jeze na ovakve izraze i da I'm nista ne bude tacno kada naidju na nesto ovakvo :D . Ko im je kriv sto nemaju padeze  : P .

Uzivajte u proljecu bez podocnjaka :*

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

GIVEAWAY TIME / Vrijeme darivanja

Posto sam se dvoumila oko pisanja bloga I posto sam sada jako zadovoljna sto sam pocela sa pisanjem, svoje zadovoljstvo zelim da , na neki nacin, podijelim I sa vama .

Zato sam pripremila malo darivanje :)

At first I was having second thoughts about blog writing but today I am glad I did it.
I want to share my satisfaction  with you in some way, so I have prepared  a small giveaway for you .

Osvojiti mozete - You can win :

1. Real Techniques Beauty Blender

2. P2 Peel Off Base Coat ( post  Nail Art trick )

3. Manhattan X-Treme Last Lipliner ( nude )

4. Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipstick ( 020 )

5. Catrice Nail Polish Neoprene Effect

6. P2 Perfect Look Lip Liner ( 010 Nude )

You are supposed to do next :

1. Follow my facebook profile Life At Its Best

2. Share this post as public post on your Facebook Profile 

3. Follow my Instagram ( )

4. Share the photo on your Instagram Profile and  tag me

Its a WORLDWIDE GIVEAWAY so good luck !
Winner will be announced on 30th April.

Da bi mogli ucestvovati trebate uraditi sljedece :
1. Pratiti me na mom Facebook profilu 

2.Podijelite ovaj post na FB profilu javno   

3. Pratiti me na Instagramu ( )

5. Podijeliti sliku sa Instagram profila javno I oznaciti me

Sretnu dobitnicu cu objaviti 30. Aprila :)
Darivanje je internacionalno tako da mogu ucestvovati svi .
Puno srece !

Nail Art Tip

I believe that most of you are going to the nail salons and that there is a professional nail artist who takes care of your nails. But I also hope that there are still those who take care of their own nails and who do their own nail art too. Sometimes I belong to the first group and sometimes I am a part of the second group, depends on how I feel or on how stubborn at the moment I am ( I can be very stubborn ( stupid ) and do things which most people do, not because I need it but because I am curious ) .

I have strong and healthy natural nails and they grow very fast till the point where my mum looks at me with disapprovingly and many  housewives too :) . But now, somehow, I can understand what it is like not to be able to do some things with such a long nails, things which are not related to households ( ex. I can not write so fast because I can not hold my pen properly, I can not go to the fitness studio without breaking some of my nails and it feels like I broke my finger not just my nail ) .
Even though I have such a strong nails, sometimes I go to the nail salon to get new nails :) or at least to put some gel on mine .

For a few years now ( and I am very proud of that fact ) , I haven't been going to the nail salons so I do my own manicure, nail art etc. I had always had some problems with the smudges around the nails ( on my skin ) when I do some nail art like marble nails or gradient nails. It is really difficult to clen that area after doing some of these nail arts. I saw at the most youtube tutorials that girls are using some sort of glue or whatever to prevent nail polish to get on your skin. I had been researching and I found out that it is some kind of glue ( Elmers ) which you can buy at the USA ( off course ) .
But I didn't give up and few months ago I found at the DM PEEL OFF BASE COAT from P2. ( 1,95 € ) - I think essence peel off base coat will do as well.
First I had been using it for what it actually is made, to make it easier to remove the nail polish which is hard to remove like glitter or sth like that. And accidentally I applied a bit on my skin too but I didn't want to remove it immediately, I left it for later . By the time I was done, I wanted to remove the  base coat from my skin, I found out that it is actually pretty simple to remove it, you just peel it off from your skin, just like you do it when you apply it on your nails.
OMG I was thrilled. If it is so easy to remove it from your skin and when it has such a nice brush for applying why not try to use it to protect my skin when I am doing nail art.
That's exactly what I had done and what I have been doing since then.
I was so happy and now I enjoy doing my nail art.

Vjerujem da je sada vecina onih kojima se o noktima brine neko ko je profesionalac u nekom salonu, medjutim , nadam se da ima I onih koji sami brinu o svojim noktima I koji ih sami lakiraju. Ja sam nekada  jednoj a nekada u drugoj skupini :) zavisi od raspolozenja ili od opet one moje "prokletosti", koju sam spominjala u postu o nadogradnji trepavica .

Imam prirodno cvrste nokte I vrlo lahko narastu I do one duzine kada me mama poprijeko gleda ili cak I neka domacica :) ( da se ne lazemo, vecina njih ) . Mada, sada nekako I ja mijenjam misljenje, jer mnogo stvari ne mogu raditi sa predugim noktima koje nisu vezane za domacintsvo (npr ne mogu pisati brzo jer ne mogu normalno drzati olovku, ne mogu trenirati u fitnesu jer redovno zakacim za nesto I imam osjecaj da polomim pola prsta a ne pola nokta itd ) . Eh, prokletinja, I pored dobrih noktiju, nekada nadogradi nokte :) cisto da se osjetim dijelom vecine . ( kakav razlog )

Vec par godina, da se pohvalim , ne nadogradjujem nokte I ne geliram ih, pa se tako sama zabavljam lakiranjem, nail artom itd. Uvijek sam kod nail arta imala problema sa ciscenjem laka sa koze nakon lakiranja ( marble nails, ombre nails , gradient nails ) . Vecinom sam gledala na youtube tutorijalima I instagramu da oni koriste neko sredstvo koje namazu oko nokta a poslije samo odlijepe. Malo sam istrazivala I nasal da je to neko Elmers ljepilo, koje naravno kod nas nema kupiti ( USA ) .
Medjutim nisam htjela tako lahko odustati I prije par mjeseci sam u dm-u naisla na P2 PEEL OFF BASE COAT 1,95 € ( mislim da moze I essence ).
Prva namjena mu je trebala biti za ono za sto I jeste stvoren, da lakse skinem neka cuda s noktiju kada nanesem a da ne izgrebem povrsinu nokta, kao sto su oni cirkoni, lakovi sa krupnim sljokicama itd. Medjutim, jednom prilikom mi je malo cetkica skrenula s nokta na kozu I ostavila sam na kozi, kontajuci da cu skinuti kada sve zavrsim. Dok sam zavrsila sve ostalo, taj sloj se osusio I samo sam ga odlijepila od koze ( bash peel off ) .

Lampica se odmah upalila ! Kada se tako fino odlijepi sa koze a ima I finu cetkicu za nanosenje zasto ga ne isprobati kod nail arta za zastitu koze oko nokta. Eh da ste samo mogli vidjeti tu srecu. Kakvo otkrice :) Niko sretniji od mene . Sada sa uzitkom radim nail art I sve ostalo :).

Thursday, April 7, 2016

How To Choose Perfect Foundation

These days I am struggling to find new liquid foundation and that's why I am writing this post. I simply want to make it easier for the others, because when it comes to foundation, it is really difficult to find the right one.Your skin is unique and using products for the basic dry, normal or oily skin types wont give you the results you need. There are simple ( or not so simple )  steps which you need to follow ( and even then it is not easy ) :

1. What skin type are you :
  • Oily / Clogged Pores / Severe Breakouts All-Over
  • Oily / Combination / Occasional Breakouts / Anti-Aging
  • Oily / Combination / Sensitive / Consistent Breakouts
  • Oily / Combination / Sensitive / Occasional Breakouts
  • Normal / Sensitive / Red / Anti-Aging
  • Normal / Anti-Aging
  • Dry / Sun Damaged / Aging
  • Dry / Sensitive / Red / Aging
      So, based on these types, choose your foundation . If your skin is oily, you don't want to use the same foundation as someone with dry skin. If you have acne, you most likely wont want a sheer coverage foundation and those with normal skin may not want the level of coverage some foundations provide.
Acne-Prone skin - medium to full coverage foundation- apply with clean brush or sponge every time and in a stippling motion
Aging Skin - light coverage liquid foundation
Dry Skin - light coverage, hydrating foundation - apply with fingers and press product into the skin
Oily Skin - medium to full coverage, apply with sponge or brush
Normal Skin ( Lucky you ) - level of coverage up to personal preference

2. Find foundation that matches your skin color. This is not easy because the lights in most stores are not even close to the daily light. So , perhaps, its the best way to apply little amount of foundation on your neck. Wish you luck with this one :) but even if you make a wrong choice you can still use it, because when you apply concealer, bronzer etc it will not look bad. But PLEASE blend it so that people do not think that you are wearing some sort of mask on your face :)

3. Types of foundations :
  • Oil-Free, Matte Finish ( smooth finish with no shine; the matte finish should last for at least a few hours; they provide sheer to medium coverage which is buildable ) - for oily, breakout-prone skin.  Be Careful - they can make your skin look dry - use a primer, moisturizer and do not use cream blush or bronzer because it is difficult to blend on smoothly
  • Long-Wearing, Matte-Finish ( oil-free, long-wearing, thin consistency that sets in place quickly, blending must be fast and precise ) - oily to very oily skin, breakout-prone skin  -great with sheer matte powder blushes and bronzers - its essential to moisturize and prime the skin, most difficult type of foundation to remove, blending a cream products over it is difficult
  • Moisturizing Foundations ( thicker texture, easy to blend , satin or satin-matte finish )- for normal to dry skin -light to medium coverage, could be used with cream blushes and bronzers, soft finish adds a healthy glow to your skin- not the best option for women with combination skin, blemish-prone skin, it can contribute to clogged pores, works with powder blush or bronzer only after applying a loose powder so it doesn't look too heavy
  • Cream-to-Powder Compact Foundations -( cross between a pressed-powder and a creamy liquid foundation, have creamy appearance but if you blend it well you will have slightly matte, powdery finish, coverage from sheer to full ) - For those with normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin - can blend to thick so that it doesn't look so natural, not for dry or oily skin
  • Self-Adjusting Foundations- they supposedly stop or claim to control oil production and also moisturize the skin, but those are still just claims - they are almost always lightweight , oil-free foundations - best for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin - be careful with those foundations that claim hocus-pocus skin-matching claims, if they provide much coverage they look unnatural.

Ovih dana se mucim da nadjem novu tecnu podlogu I zbog toga vam pisem ovaj post. Jednostavno, nakon istrazivanja, zelim da pomognem onima koji su u slicnoj dilemi. Kada je u pitanju biranje podloge, veoma je tesko naci onu PRAVU . Svako ima jedinstven tip koze I koristenjem proizvoda koji su za obicnu suhu, masnu ili normalnu kozu, nece dobiti zeljene rezultate. Postoje jednostavni ( ustvari ne tako jednostavni ) koraci koje bi trebali pratiti kod kupovine tecne podloge :  

1. Vodite racuna o tome koji tip koze imate :
  • Masna koza / zacepljene pore / mnogo akni
  • Masna koza sa pojedinim suhim dijelovima / povremene akne / u period kada treba I njega protiv starenja
  • Masna koza sa suhim dijelovima / osjetljiva / konstantne " uporne " akne
  • Masna koza sa suhim dijelovima / Osjetljiva / povremene akne
  • Normalna / osjetljiva / crvena / u period kada treba I njega protiv starenja
  • Normalna sa njegom protic starenja
  • Suha / ostecena od sunca / njega protiv starenja
  • Suha / osjetljiva / njega protiv starenja / crvena
Na osnovu ovih tipova koze treba da birate podlogu. Ako vam je koza masna ne zelite da koristite istu podlogu kao neko ko ima suhu kozu. Ako imate akne ne zelite podlogu sa blagom pokrivnom moci a ako imate normalnu kozu ne zelite nivo prekrivanja koji neke podloge nude.

 Koza sklona aknama - potreban vam je srednji do najvci level pokrivanja I nanosite podlogu UVIJEK cistom cetkom ili spuzvom  
Izborana koza - lagani nivo pokrivenosti jer se teske podloge zavuku u bore I jos vise vas ucine starijima
Suha koza - lagana pekrivenost, hidratizirajuca podloga - nanositi prstima I utapkati proizvod u kozu
Masna koza - srednja do najjaca prekrivenost , nanositi spuzvom ili cetkom
Normalna koza ( blago vama ) - nivo pokrivenosti zavisno od toga sta zelite postici I dobiti

2. Nadjite podlogu koja odgovara boji vase koze . Ovo nije uvijek lahko zbog tga sto svjetla u vecini prodavnica u kojima kupujete nisu ni slicna dnevnom svjetlu. Mozda je najbolje da nanesete malu kolicinu podloge na dio vrata . Sa ovim vam korakom zelim srecu :) mada sada nije toliko strasno cak I ako ne pogodite pravu nijansu jer kada nanesete bronzer, concealer itd nece biti primjetno da je nijansa pudera pogresna. Ali MOLIM VAS ne kupujte najtamnije nijanse u zelji da izgledate preplanuli I ako vec kupite tamniju nijansu izblendajte to lijepo, a ne da se ljudi pitaju zasto djevojka pored mene ima masku na licu koja se zavrsava negdje prije pocetka usiju I tamo gdje pocinje vrat :/

3. Tipovi podloga ( izostavila sam namjerno stick foundations and powder ( mineral ) foundations )
  • Podloge bez ulja sa mat efektom ( daju glatko lice bez sjaja, mat finish bi trebao da traje najmanje par sati , imaju laganu ili srednju pokrivenost ali se mogu nadograditi ) - za masnu kozu I kozu sklonu aknama . Budite pazljivi jer mogu uciniti lice suhim, zbog toga je preporucljivo koristiti primer ili neku bazu da bi se pripremilo lice . nije preporucljivo koristiti kremaste bronzere ili rumenila jer ih je tesko blendati na toj podlozi .
  • Dugotrajne podloge sa matt efektom ( bez ulja , dugotrajne , mora se brzo blendati jer se brzo setuje na lice ) masna do voma masna koza I koza sklona aknama - idealno sa Long-Wearing, Matte-Finish ( oil-free, long-wearing, thin consistency that sets in place quickly, blending must be fast and precise ) - oily to very oily skblago mat rumenilima I bronzerim koji su puderaste structure - koza se mora prethodno hidrattizirati primerom ili nekom dr bazom , najteza podloga za skinuti I takodjer je vrlo tesko kremaste proizvode  ( rumenilo, bronzer ) izblendati na toj podlozi
  • Moisturizing ( koje vlaze ) podloge  ( gusca struktura , lahko se blendaju i imaju satinski ili satinsko - mat efekat ) - za normalnu I suhu kozu - lagana do srednja prekrivenost , moze se koristiti sa kremastim proizvodima- nije najbolja za one sa kombinovanom kozom I one koji imaju dijelove koji su crveni, moze takodjer doprinjeti zatvaranju pora, thicker texture, easy to blend , satin or satin-matte finish )- nakon koristenja puderastog rumenila ili pudera treba koristiti loose puder kako ne bi izgledalo " pretesko " na licu
  • Cream-to-Powder podloge  -( nesto izmedju kamenog udera I kremaste tecne podloge , izgleda kremasto nakon nanosenja ali se blendanjem moze postici blagi matt izgled, pokrivenost mala do srednja- za osobe sa normalnom kozom ili blago masnom- nije za masnu ili suhu kozu, nekada moze nakon blendanja izgledati dosta neprirodno
  • Prilagodljive podloge- one bi navodno trebale zaustaviti ili kontrolirati nivo do kojeg vam se koza masti a takodjer I vlaziti kozu kada je potrebno, ali to su samo tvrdnje. vecinom su to lagane, bez ulja podloge koje su najpogodnije za lagano suhu ili lagano masnu kozu - sa njima treba biti oprezan kao I sa vecinom onih koje navodno cine magiju kao sto je prilagodjavanje svim bojama I tipovima koze . Ukoliko trazite ovakve a sa vecim nivoom pokrivenosti onda cete dobiti izgled koji nije ni problizan prirodnom izgledu.
 Takodjer se preporucuje izbjegavati proizvode koji sadrze propylene glycol, methylparaben I propylparaben jer stete citavom endokrinom sistemu koji regulise sve bioloske procese u nasem tijelu , ukljucujuci razvoj mozga I nervnog Sistema, rast I funkciju reproduktivnog Sistema , metabolizam I nivo secera u krvi, kao I funkcije jajnih celija .

Eh pa , nije nam lahko .

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Loreal Indefectible Sculpt Contouring Palette / Review

As we all  have already noticed, trend of contouring is really still popular, so even all cheaper  brands from drugstores have their own products for contouring. Some of them are really good and some, of course, not so good as promised. One of the most popular are products from Loreal, called Loreal Indefectible Sculpt.

Kao sto smo svi mogli primjetiti, trend konturisanja se odavno prosirio I na drogerijske brendove, pa
su I oni izbacili proizvode za konturisanje. Neki brendovi su imali vise a neki manje uspijeha, kao I obicno. Medju onima koji su privukli najvise paznje, su I proizvodi koje je izbacio Loreal Paris pod nazivom Indefectible Sculpt.

Within Indefectible Sculpt collection you can find liquid foundations,  contouring palettes, blushes, mascara , eye liner and mat lip pen.
I was most interested in contouring palette. When I saw them in the drugstore so I immediately swatched it and I was thrilled. At that moment I knew that I will be using that palette tomorrow on my face.

The texture has blown me away. In the beginning it is really creamy and when you apply it, it blends out in silky, soft powder. It feels so smooth, soft and the skin looks retoushed.

You can find it in three shades 01 ( pink skin tone ) , 02 ( Yellow skin tone - light ) , 03 ( yellow skin tone - dark ) .

U okviru Indefectible Sculpt linije izbacili su tecne podloge, palete za konturisanje, rumenila, maskare, tus za oci I mat  "olovku" za usne ( mat lip pen) .
Od svih proizvoda, najvise me zainteresovala, upravo paleta za konturisanje. Kada sam ih ugledala, naravno da sam odmah uradila swatch- iiiiii malo je reci da sam bila odusevljena. Odmah sam znala da je to proizvod koji se bez razmisljanja vec sutra nalazi na mom licu :)

Tekstura me odusevila. Na pocetku je kremasta a nakon nanosenja I blendanja se pretvara u svilenkasto, barsunasto, puderastu. Ne znam kako bih bolje docarala. Na dodir je tako glatko, mekano, koza dobije retusirani izgled. Ma jednostavno, morate je imati.

Moze se kupiti u tri nijanse 01 ( nijansa za osobe sa rozim podtonom koze ) - gdje, naravno, svijetli dio ide malkice na rozu boju, tamni dio je vise hladna nijansa, 02 ( za one sa zutim podtonom koze ) - tamni dio je toplije nijanse ali ne pretaman I 03 ( isto za osobe sa zutim podtonom ) gdje je tamni dio najtamniji, ali topli ton .

                                                              (  na slici su nijanse/ shades  03 I 01 )

( Lijevo/ Left  01, Desno/ Right 03 )

I have been using it for about a month now and I guarantee you that it lasts the whole day.
Loreal claims that it is the  best when used with the Indefectible Sculpt Foundation, which you can find ONLY in three shades . Yes, you have read it correct, ONLY THREE SHADES OF FOUNDATION !!! I don't know what is worst, when  you have so many shades of foundations to choose from or when you have only three of them . Hw to pick the right for you ??? I didn't know the answer so I didn't buy it . Very simple :)
Instead, I have been using it with any of my foundations, and it fits perfectly with any of them, so you do not have to have their foundation if you don't want to.

They have also designed a special Sculpt brush for applying it, but I could not find it in the stores. I was even a bit worried because I wasn't sure if any of my brushes is good for applying it. But, it is very simple, actually. I use flat brush to apply it and blend brush to blend it nicely.

The light shade is described as highlighter but it actually isn't a highlighter.. These light shades are supposed to highlight some parts of your face but if you want some shimmering finish you will actually need some other highlighting product for that effect. The dark shade blends perfectly and looks really natural on your face.

Loreal even put an application guide for beginners with pictures and descriptions about how to contour and highlight different face shapes.
So, without any doubts, I can say that this contouring palette is amazing. It is very good pigmented, gradable, lasts long, blends without problems, looks natural and the price is acceptable 12,95 €.
I use it on a daily basis and I will certainly buy it again.
So, this time for Loreal , its 10 out of 10 :) and when it comes to my lunch ( while I was writing it I didn't really have time to check it up :) ) we will see what my husband thinks :/ :

Koristim paletu vec vise od mjesec dana I tvrdim da je postojanost odicna. Meni na licu izdrzi citav dan, bez ikakvih problema.
Inace, Loreal navodi da je najbolje da se koristi sa Indefectible Sculpt podlogom, koja se moze naci samo u tri nijanse . Da , dobro ste procitali , SAMO TRI NIJANSE! Ne znam sta je veci problem, kad imas veci izbor nijansi ili kad si primoran na samo tri. Kako tada odabrati pravu nijansu ??? Nisam znala odgovor na to pitanje pa je nisam ni kupila.
Koristim paletu sa mojim tecnim podlogama I odlicna je, svakako. Znaci, ne morate imati njihovu podlogu.

Kada je nanosenje upitanju, vidjela sam da su reklamirali I cetku koja je namijenjena za to I malo sam se razocarala kada je nisam nasla nigdje u prodaji :(. Cak sam se I zabrinula I kontala da ni jedna od mojih cetkica nece biti dobra za to. Ali, sasvim savrseno je nanosim  ravnom cetkom za podlogu I onda fino izblendam cetkom za blendanje. Znaci, sa nanosenjem nema problema.

Funkcionise kao I vecina paleta. Svijetli dio je , medjutim, opisan kao highlighter- ali on ne daje nikakav sjaj, tako da vam ustvari treba neki highlighter poslije. On je vise za naglasavanje pojedinih dijelova lica. Tamni dio se savrseno blenda I ne izgleda neprirodno na licu.

Loreal se cak pobrinuo I da u pakovanje stavi mali prirucnik sa slikama za pocetnike u konturisanju. Tu se nalazi nekoliko slika sa primjerima za razlicite oblike lica.

I da zakljucim na kraju da je proizvod ODLICAN . Dobra pigmentacija, lahko se moze nadograditi, traje citav dan, izgleda zaista prirodno, dobro se blenda I mislim da je pristupacna cijena od 12,95 €.
Ja ga svakako rado koristim I rado cu ga kupiti ponovo.
Ovaj put LOREAL cista 10 :) a mom zapostavljenom rucku u pripremi, vidjet cemo koju ce muz ocjenu dati :/