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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blog : My Way Of Looking At LIfe

It`s been a long time since my last post. There`s a lot going on these days but its not just that, this weather is killing me. Its awful. I miss summer, sunshine. I dont even have a feeling that its June already with all these rainy, shi*y days. The weather really affects my mood and I am not really in the mood to do anything ( thank God that doesn't include going to the gym ) . I spend most of my
days watching Netflix and reading reviews and blogposts. 
So that is exactly how I found a blog that belongs to a  girl from Mostar / B&H, Zana Pehar.
It is called My Way of Looking at Life , link At the beginning I was thinking that I would not find it interesting, since it is a blog without pictures and make-up, but after I read one of her posts I simply had to read another one and another one till I finally read them all.
Zana writes about life in general and the situations which are happening all the time to all of us and she writes frankly from her own point of view.
At the moment I thought - Been There Done That, and I relate that sentence and that feeling to all of her posts, and i believe so do you.
She writes exactly how it is using the language that we all understand and that's why her posts are not boring and any one of them forces you to  think about your actions and at the end to laugh :).
She made my day indeed and not just mine but also my husband`s. He was going crazy these days because of my PMS and my bad mood.
Sometimes you just need a little reminder, like Zana`s post, to make your day look better and not just your day but also the day of the people which are closes to you.
Above you can find the link to Zana`s blog and below I will leave you links of three posts from her blog which I  find the most interesting .
Enjoy reading and make your day, and the day of your loved ones , a lot better :)
25 Years of my Life
Being mean Vs Being nice
Movies send a wrong message

Duuuugo nisam pisala. Obaveze me vecinom sputavaju ali ne mogu reci da su samo obaveze upitanju. Ovo vrijeme je jos gore. Fali mi sunce, ljeto . Nemam uopste osjecaj da je Juni. Strasan sam meteoropata I sve mi je nekako mrsko ( sreca pa se u to ne ubraja odlazak u fitnes ). Nekako mi je najlakse sjesti uz Netflix I laptop I tako provesti citav dan,gledajuci serije I citajuci recenzije,blogove ...
Bas u takvom raspolozenju sam naisla na blog koji pise djevojka iz Mostara ( BiH ) , Zana Pehar. link do njenog bloga My Way Of Looking At Life.
Mislila sam, u pocetku, blog bez slika, necu se mnogo zadrzati ovdje ali kada sam procitala jedan post povuklo me da procitam I drugi I treci I na kraju sve postove .
Zana na svoj nacin I iz svog ugla, iskreno , pise o zivotu opcenito I situacijama koje se desavaju, ne samo njoj nego I svim ljudima na svijetu.
Nasla sam se u opisanim situacijama million puta i sve to i sama dozivjela, kao i vecina drugih ljudi,
Ona opisuje zivotne situacije cistim jezikom, bez ukrasnog papira i masnice na kraju , nego bash onako kako i komuniciramo medjusobno, mi, obicni ljudi. Upravo zbog toga joj postovi nisu dosadni i monotoni i svaki od njih vas natjera da razmislite na kraju o sebi i svojim postupcima ali i da se nasmijete.
Tacno mi je popravila dan :) ali ne samo meni nego i mom muzu, koji je ovih , jadan , ovih dana mog PMS-a i loseg vremena ludio samom :D
Kako nam samo nekada malo treba, neki mali podsjetnik, kao sto je Zanin post, da promijenite dan i sebi i ljudima oko vas.
Iznad sam vam ostavila link Zaninog bloga a ovdje vam ostavljam i linkove tri posta koji su ostavili na mene najveci utisak.
25 years of my life
Being mean Vs Being nice
Movies send a wrong message
Uzivajte citajuci i popravite dan sebi ali i onima koje volite i koji vas vole :)